Accorn Naturalists

Accorn Naturalists With Magento

Acorn Naturalists was founded over three decades ago by teachers to create and distribute high quality, hands-on learning resources for use both inside and outside the classroom. The resources we offer are creative, inquiry-oriented instructional materials designed to complement Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as well as Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and STEAM (A for Art) programs.

Key Features

Acorn Naturalists offers school supplies, science and nature activity kits, and hands-on educational resources for parents, teachers, naturalists, camp leaders, outdoor educators, homeschoolers, preschool, and afterschool educators. Users can sign-up and log in. Users can search products, filter products, Sort products, add to cart, checkout, wishlist products, Email a friend and make an online payment. Users can view order details under my account.



JFCS Philly